********************************************************************** HAWCStab2 changelog ********************************************************************** Under development/Still to be tested in full ********************************************************************** - Dynamic inflow. - More flexible handling of external systems. - N-bladed wind turbine stability analysis. - Adaptive trailing edge flaps. ********************************************************************** Version 2.9 (rev. 1048) - 19/MAY/2016 - LARH,LEOB ********************************************************************** - Computation of operating point for "storm-control"/de-rating operation - CT and CP output added at radial computational points (.ind output). - Bug fix for saving open loop matrices with quasi steady aero-dyna- mics enabled. - Dynamic inflow implemented (in BETA!): Frozen wake (default), quasi-steady and dynamic inflow. - Automatically adding extra element in body before first node to have a node close root of body. - Possibility to calculate optimal operation points for fixed pitch. This can e.g. be used in run-away flutter analysis. - Input forces can now be applied to external systems. - Added new controller "basic_dtu_we_controller" for full wind speed range closed-loop stability analysis. - Output sensors 'momentvec' and 'forcevec' now have units in kNm and kN, respectively, to match HAWC2. - Output sensor for rotor speed has reversed sign in C-matrix to match HAWC2. - Added 'steady_state_convergence_limits' option to change convergence settings. ********************************************************************** Version 2.8 (rev. 863) - 13/DEC/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Improved aero-servo-elastic modal analysis and sorting. - Fixed bug for HS2pid with rotation speed conversion between rpm and and rad/s. - Fixed bug for calculation of input matrix (B). This affects transfer functions, state space matrices and closed-loop analysis. - Changed video codec from xvid to cvid. Now Creation of videos should be possible on all computers. - Fixed forward whirling being animated as backward whirling and vice versa. - Minor bug fix for quasi-steady dynamic stall stability analysis. ********************************************************************** Version 2.7 (rev. 734) - 21/OCT/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Fixed bug introduced in version 2.5 that gave minor steady state errors. - Fixed bug introduced in version 2.3 that gave wrong low frequency Bode plots and controller tuning due to wrong aerodynamic gradients. - Fixed bug introduced in version 2.3 that divided B-matrix w.r.t pitch with 3. - Added 'constant_power' line in 'controller_tuning' block: 0 = constant torque and 1 = constant power. - Changed calculation of inflow angle written to result files. Now it the same as the one used by the internal calculations. - Fixed bug with ct that was not fixed in V.2.6. - When a new controller tuning is calculated, this will be used by the closed-loop analysis instead of the values given by the command line 'pi_pitch_controller' - Steady state values for N-bladed wind turbines can now be calcu- lated. Controller tuning for N-bladed collective pitch controllers is also possible now. - Write-out of closed-loop matrices is now possible from the menu. - Added new criteria for sorting modes. - Added new controller gain scheduling method - Changed dialog box when performing aeroelastic and aero-servo- elastic modal analysis. - Minor tweak in implementation of damping_posdef routine. - Added HAWC2S commands: 'compute_structural_modal_analysis', 'compute_steady_states': it is the same as 'steady_state' but it doesn't save anything. 'compute_stability_analysis', 'compute_aeroservoelastic', 'compute_controller_input', 'save_ol_matrices', 'save_ol_matrices_all', 'save_beam_data', 'save_blade_geometry', 'save_aero_point_data', 'save_profile_coeffs', 'save_power', 'save_induction' ********************************************************************** Version 2.6 (rev. 569) - 23/AUG/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Changed write-out of "Save modal amplitudes" for blade only. Now a phase angle close to 0 deg. is ensured and the sign of the amplitude is corrected accordingly. I.e. amplitudes can now be negative. - Fixed bug where torsional mode shape was not written correctly to text file - Fixed bug where gear ratio was not read in the htc file. - Started development of code to handle 2,3,4,... bladed turbines. - [N.B. See V.2.7] Fixed bug with ct in BEM calculations, this should only have minor implications at above rated wind speeds. - Added support for external systems. So far they are attached to the bottom node of the tower. This can be used for e.g. jackets modeled as super elements. ********************************************************************** Version 2.5 (rev. 512) - 08/AUG/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Critical bug fix. Previous release version removed from website and replaced by current one. ********************************************************************** Version 2.5 (rev. 499) - 07/AUG/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Added new save open-loop matrices options. Also added steady state output values of selected sensors. - In the operational_data block the prvs_turbine option has reversed logics, e.g. 0 = stall regulated, 1 = pitch regulated. This is opposite of previous version, but more logical. - Changed calcalation of inflow angle written to result files. - Various bug fixes. ********************************************************************** Version 2.4 (rev. 380) - 10/JUN/2013 - LARH ********************************************************************** - Added 64 bit version of HS2 to enable memory expensive calculations. - Added Rayleigh damping model similar to HAWC2 with mass and stiff- ness proportional damping terms 'mx my mz kx ky kz'. N.B. 'damp' and 'damp_pos' might be disagreeing on the order of 'kx' and 'ky' in HAWC2. HAWCStab2 uses the 'damp' convention. - Added command line program H2Spid.exe which is a command line version of HAWCStab2.exe with reduced functionality only able to calculate PI controller gains assuming rigid blades. - Log files are now saved as 'filename'.htc ********************************************************************** Version 2.3 (rev. 203) - 29/JAN/2013 - MHHA ********************************************************************** - Added command line program HAWC2S.exe which is a command line version of HAWCStab2.exe. ********************************************************************** Version 2.2 (rev. 181) - 6/JUL/2012 - MHHA ********************************************************************** - ... ********************************************************************** Version 2.1 (rev. 131) - 2/FEB/2012 - MHHA ********************************************************************** - ...